System Maintenance Du
(too old to reply)
Pat Breeden
2005-08-09 05:07:00 UTC
Captain's Log: StarDate=>>> (Monday) August 8, 2005 10:35pm
Quoting a Virtual Reality CommLink From Dave Laird To All

DL> The Used Kharma Lot news server will briefly be offline for
DL> approximately five minutes this evening at midnight for server
DL> maintenance. Look at it this way, even at the finest golf courses in
DL> the entire world, somebody has to run a lawn mower over the grass once
DL> in awhile, don't they? Look at it as if I am running a lawn mower
DL> through the weeds on Kharma. This is, after all, a strictly volunteer
DL> organization.
DL> Enjoy the day...

Sounds like you're kind of like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack going after some
pesky gophers? :-)

////U\\ //.\\ | WireHaired Terrier BBS (509)465-9525 |
////\\////@\\ +--------------------------------------+
Dave Laird
2005-08-09 15:19:59 UTC
G'morning, Pat....
Post by Pat Breeden
Captain's Log: StarDate=>>> (Monday) August 8, 2005 10:35pm
Quoting a Virtual Reality CommLink From Dave Laird To All
DL> The Used Kharma Lot news server will briefly be offline for
DL> approximately five minutes this evening at midnight for server
DL> maintenance. Look at it this way, even at the finest golf courses in
DL> the entire world, somebody has to run a lawn mower over the grass
once DL> in awhile, don't they? Look at it as if I am running a lawn
mower DL> through the weeds on Kharma. This is, after all, a strictly
volunteer DL> organization.
DL> Enjoy the day...
Sounds like you're kind of like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack going after
some pesky gophers? :-)
Nawp. No pesky gophers here at the Used Kharma Lot. Not that many people,
posting messages either, but I chased all the gophers off a long time ago.
No hazardous waste, no un-recycled recyclables, no Lance Armstrong photo
sessions, and most definitely no intolerable advertising, either. Just a
lot of absolutely small electrons chasing their tails round and round in a
highly-organized, well-structured manner.

Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project

An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
If you will practice being fictional for a while, you will understand that
fictional characters are sometimes more real than people with bodies and