(too old to reply)
Dave Laird
2004-09-04 19:57:26 UTC
Good afternoon, Netizens...

Judging by the phone calls, I'd hazard a guess that the latest updates for
XP and XP-Pro are a bust. Starting yesterday and extending through this
afternoon, I've received a series of phone calls from various folks who
still (!) run Windows XP or XP Pro who downloaded the latest Service Patch
for XP yesterday or today. Out of three people I've heard from who
attempted to install Service Patch 2 for XP, two of the folks are, at this
very moment, re-installing XP from scratch and starting over.

Whatever is in the patch broke their entire operating system.

Thank you Mr. Gates, for that wonderfully heart-warming upgrade.

Users beware! Read the notice on the web site *before* you apply the
automatic upgrade.

Those of you running Linux, smile, and relax. It isn't anything at all.

Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 04/02/2004
Usenet News server: news.kharma.net

An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
There are three things I always forget. Names, faces -- the third I
can't remember.
-- Italo Svevo
2004-09-05 09:39:52 UTC
Good morning Dave,

It's called something like "guaranteed employment' and sails until
someone goes nuts.. Great strike for a potential terrorist attack..

Post by Dave Laird
Good afternoon, Netizens...
Judging by the phone calls, I'd hazard a guess that the latest updates for
XP and XP-Pro are a bust. Starting yesterday and extending through this
afternoon, I've received a series of phone calls from various folks who
still (!) run Windows XP or XP Pro who downloaded the latest Service Patch
for XP yesterday or today. Out of three people I've heard from who
attempted to install Service Patch 2 for XP, two of the folks are, at this
very moment, re-installing XP from scratch and starting over.
Whatever is in the patch broke their entire operating system.
Thank you Mr. Gates, for that wonderfully heart-warming upgrade.
Users beware! Read the notice on the web site *before* you apply the
automatic upgrade.
Those of you running Linux, smile, and relax. It isn't anything at all.
The greater part of our happiness depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

Martha Washington
James Vahn
2004-09-07 17:01:54 UTC
"..and in case you're wondering, the Vanguard class boats carry the UK's
Trident thermo-nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles. So some
people think that's a heap of responsibility for Windows to carry."


