Dave Laird
2005-03-17 04:19:19 UTC
Good evening, everyone...
Offhand, I would suggest that the folks at Wind Wireless need to hire
themselves a real public relations company and go after all the so-called
news leaders in Spokane, since almost to a station, they appear to be
going after *everyone* in Spokane's wireless arena *EXCEPT* Wind Wireless.
Maybe while they're at it, somebody should march on City Hall and kick our
City Fathers' butts. In short, despite their huge service area, vastly
superior equipment and technology and the fastest wireless connectivity
nearly anywhere in Spokane County, they just don't get the respect they
This rambling diatribe isn't so much about wireless service, since I am
little more than a pale hitchhiker on wireless when and where I find it.
Rather, this is about fairness and accuracy in news reporting in Spokane,
and how we are constantly bombarded by idiots full of misinformation and
Before some pizza head mumbles something about how my comments are because
I know and have a limited association with Bob Kirkpatrick and Chuck
Meyers, principals of Wind Wireless, it simply isn't true. I'm not even a
customer, much less a significant player in the wireless industry in
Spokane. Depending upon what day of the week you choose, I'm sure that
either of the two would tell you perhaps more quickly than I would prefer
that I am not even a close personal friend. This isn't about friendship,
In today's news, it was announced that Chad Skidmore of Go-180 networks
has announced that the Spokane Hot Zone, long the favorite of the idiots
running the Spokane news media, is going to charge for their extended
services which, prior to this time, were free to the public. My favorite
news segment is where Skidmore stood up with a straight face on KXLY-TV
announcing that the Spokane Hot Zone was the biggest, best and first
wireless service in downtown Spokane. Not only was that a grave
miscarriage of the truth, if not an outright lie, it was unfortunately
picked up and repeated verbatim by all three Spokane news media outlets at
least a dozen times.
Let me yank out my crying towel fer God's sakes. No more free Hot Zone in
downtown. BOO HOO! However, Wind Wireless has been saturating downtown
Spokane far longer than Go180 Networks, with faster signal, better
connectivity and all for FREE for limited access. But it gets funnier, in
a macabre sort of way, the deeper you dig. Why just Monday night, the
entire self-appointed go180.net cheering section showed up at the City
Council meeting to plead for more grant money to pay themselves a raise.
Sorry, boys. Your cash cow just went lame, or so the City Council said.
Surprise! Surprise! Today go180.net announced the raise out of the
blue. Of course the cops and politicians still get to use the Hot Zone for
free (part of the deal) to write lurid love letters to their individual
love interests and covertly sell real estate on your thin dime.
Yet another gaffe took place earlier this week when KXLY-TV's morning
weather report, which is broadcast live from various businesses throughout
Spokane (only when the businesses pay for the "privilege"), and this weeks
tech edition was broadcast live from Liquid Life Espresso on West Sprague.
The brain dead Shaun Stevens, whom I normally barely tolerate anyway,
rambled on and on for nearly an hour before he noticed people were paying
two bucks an hour to access the Internet over a so-called wireless network
which actually turned out to be Qwest DSL over their local and very
unsecured wireless network. Just because I'm a schlemiel, I marched right
inside and set up my laptop on FREE wireless. That didn't seem to bother
the owners, however, as I bought several decent espresso drinks while I
checked my mail and news servers.
My buddy Abdullah the Turk also informs me that while I was otherwise
engaged in several other ways, the Cowles KHQ-TV also did a "special" show
on how well Spokane is connected to the Internet. They managed to get
about half the facts backwards or blown harder than a hot night on the
Strip in Vegas. Somehow they erroneously mentioned the name Internet
Onramp Express *twice* during the taped session, although that name hasn't
been in business in well over a half-decade.
However, while every single one of the above-listed events actually took
place, what nobody in the Spokane news media has noticed is that Wind
Wireless has been quietly going about their business, and by the end of
this week will cover a whopping 3,000 SQUARE MILES with high-quality
high-speed Internet access over wireless signal strong enough that I can
pick it up in a number of strategic places using a laptop and a cheap
wireless receiver.
No, I received no consideration from Wind for this hair-raising
commentary, nor am I currently even a Wind customer. However, I've been
sitting in the front row of the stadium for the last two years watching
Wind Wireless build something that really WORKS, better than anything else
in its market, and the Spokane news media has largely ignored the entire
Offhand, I would suggest that the folks at Wind Wireless need to hire
themselves a real public relations company and go after all the so-called
news leaders in Spokane, since almost to a station, they appear to be
going after *everyone* in Spokane's wireless arena *EXCEPT* Wind Wireless.
Maybe while they're at it, somebody should march on City Hall and kick our
City Fathers' butts. In short, despite their huge service area, vastly
superior equipment and technology and the fastest wireless connectivity
nearly anywhere in Spokane County, they just don't get the respect they
This rambling diatribe isn't so much about wireless service, since I am
little more than a pale hitchhiker on wireless when and where I find it.
Rather, this is about fairness and accuracy in news reporting in Spokane,
and how we are constantly bombarded by idiots full of misinformation and
Before some pizza head mumbles something about how my comments are because
I know and have a limited association with Bob Kirkpatrick and Chuck
Meyers, principals of Wind Wireless, it simply isn't true. I'm not even a
customer, much less a significant player in the wireless industry in
Spokane. Depending upon what day of the week you choose, I'm sure that
either of the two would tell you perhaps more quickly than I would prefer
that I am not even a close personal friend. This isn't about friendship,
In today's news, it was announced that Chad Skidmore of Go-180 networks
has announced that the Spokane Hot Zone, long the favorite of the idiots
running the Spokane news media, is going to charge for their extended
services which, prior to this time, were free to the public. My favorite
news segment is where Skidmore stood up with a straight face on KXLY-TV
announcing that the Spokane Hot Zone was the biggest, best and first
wireless service in downtown Spokane. Not only was that a grave
miscarriage of the truth, if not an outright lie, it was unfortunately
picked up and repeated verbatim by all three Spokane news media outlets at
least a dozen times.
Let me yank out my crying towel fer God's sakes. No more free Hot Zone in
downtown. BOO HOO! However, Wind Wireless has been saturating downtown
Spokane far longer than Go180 Networks, with faster signal, better
connectivity and all for FREE for limited access. But it gets funnier, in
a macabre sort of way, the deeper you dig. Why just Monday night, the
entire self-appointed go180.net cheering section showed up at the City
Council meeting to plead for more grant money to pay themselves a raise.
Sorry, boys. Your cash cow just went lame, or so the City Council said.
Surprise! Surprise! Today go180.net announced the raise out of the
blue. Of course the cops and politicians still get to use the Hot Zone for
free (part of the deal) to write lurid love letters to their individual
love interests and covertly sell real estate on your thin dime.
Yet another gaffe took place earlier this week when KXLY-TV's morning
weather report, which is broadcast live from various businesses throughout
Spokane (only when the businesses pay for the "privilege"), and this weeks
tech edition was broadcast live from Liquid Life Espresso on West Sprague.
The brain dead Shaun Stevens, whom I normally barely tolerate anyway,
rambled on and on for nearly an hour before he noticed people were paying
two bucks an hour to access the Internet over a so-called wireless network
which actually turned out to be Qwest DSL over their local and very
unsecured wireless network. Just because I'm a schlemiel, I marched right
inside and set up my laptop on FREE wireless. That didn't seem to bother
the owners, however, as I bought several decent espresso drinks while I
checked my mail and news servers.
My buddy Abdullah the Turk also informs me that while I was otherwise
engaged in several other ways, the Cowles KHQ-TV also did a "special" show
on how well Spokane is connected to the Internet. They managed to get
about half the facts backwards or blown harder than a hot night on the
Strip in Vegas. Somehow they erroneously mentioned the name Internet
Onramp Express *twice* during the taped session, although that name hasn't
been in business in well over a half-decade.
However, while every single one of the above-listed events actually took
place, what nobody in the Spokane news media has noticed is that Wind
Wireless has been quietly going about their business, and by the end of
this week will cover a whopping 3,000 SQUARE MILES with high-quality
high-speed Internet access over wireless signal strong enough that I can
pick it up in a number of strategic places using a laptop and a cheap
wireless receiver.
No, I received no consideration from Wind for this hair-raising
commentary, nor am I currently even a Wind customer. However, I've been
sitting in the front row of the stadium for the last two years watching
Wind Wireless build something that really WORKS, better than anything else
in its market, and the Spokane news media has largely ignored the entire
Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://news.kharma.net
Fortune Random Thought For the Minute
A failure will not appear until a unit has passed final inspection.
Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://news.kharma.net
Fortune Random Thought For the Minute
A failure will not appear until a unit has passed final inspection.