Good morning, Connie...
Post by ConsterI don't know about my network provider... well actually I know quite a
bit since you told me, but I don't get this on outlook.. I've been
getting it on the email here on Used-Kharma and I never use my
You do not receive e-mail from Kharma, and there is no user account for
you on Kharma, past or present, since the mail server for Kharma exists on
an entirely different server than the Usenet news server to which you are
a subscribed member. Mail and news are two entirely different network
services, Connie, and never the twain shall meet. Since I retain copies
of all mail logs of *all* transactions between my mail server and the
world mail servers for 30 days, and having just completed a thorough
search of the mail logs for the last 30 days this morning, subsequent to
your complaint, I find your statement very questionable.
Since I flat-out ban all connections from the 209 network, which by your
own information, is the source of this message in question, any packet
which came from the 209 network would be dropped summarily, as if it never
existed at all.
There are many other services, other than Usenet news, offered by The Used
Kharma Lot to a very limited number of persons. Most, if not all, of them
require the strenuous use of digital signatures over Secure Socket Layers
connections and I encourage the use of cryptography.
Currently, there are twenty-three persons who have e-mail access through
The Used Kharma Lot mail server, and many of them receive a high volume of
mail traffic. If even *one* of them had reported a instance similar to
what you just described, I would be concerned. However, *no one* with a
current Kharma mail account has received either SPAM, virus or other
questionable bit of traffic that has not been closely and aggressively
investigated in over five years.
Post by ConsterUsed_kharma for any emails - incoming or outgoing... So did it sneak
through your firewalls and all. The reason I ask, is I don't know how
the email that comes through your server works.
*Nothing* "sneaks through" my firewall, Connie. Even the most tentative
connections, regardless of how small, are logged. The only services which
Kharma offers, to which you have access, are the news server, which does
not allow mail access by any means. I will not and cannot discuss the true
nature of my mail server in public, although I will send you a message
shortly which explains the network topology in better detail than you are
apparently aware.
Dave Laird (***
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
Web Page: updated 10/08/2004
Usenet News server:
An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
HUGH BEAUMONT died in 1982!!