AT&T/Comcast/ATTBI connecting...
(too old to reply)
Dave Laird
2003-11-27 17:45:37 UTC
Good morning, Netizens...

After watching two different connections from AT&T/Comcast/ATTBI trying to
spoof the news server for over half an hour this morning, unless I hear some
really *compelling* reason why I should allow them to connect to Kharma, I
will be disallowing connections to the news server from later on

Anyone willing to admit they use AT&T/Comcast to read news off Kharma? Stand
up or be locked out.

Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/17/2003
Usenet News server: news.kharma.net
Musicians Calendar and Database access: http://www.kharma.net/calendar.html

An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
"I never met a man I couldn't drink handsome."
Dave Laird
2003-11-27 17:54:06 UTC
Good morning, again...
Post by Dave Laird
Anyone willing to admit they use AT&T/Comcast to read news off Kharma?
Stand up or be locked out.
I neglected to mention there are several *other* AT&T/Comcast IP blocks,
such as the local Comcast of Spokane block, which I do allow to connect, and
which will remain untouched for the forseeable future. That particular IP
block,, however, has one or more subscribers, perhaps even
offshore, who do like to play their games, and although none of them have
worked, to date, I've grown tired of watching.

Comments, of course, will be respected and heard...

Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/17/2003
Usenet News server: news.kharma.net
Musicians Calendar and Database access: http://www.kharma.net/calendar.html

An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
Mobius strippers never show you their back side.
Dave Laird
2003-12-06 19:38:22 UTC
Good morning, everyone...
Post by Dave Laird
Anyone willing to admit they use AT&T/Comcast to read news off Kharma?
Stand up or be locked out.
Nobody stood up. They're locked out, as of five minutes ago.

Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/17/2003
Usenet News server: news.kharma.net
Musicians Calendar and Database access: http://www.kharma.net/calendar.html

An automatic & random thought For the Minute:
'Tis the dream of each programmer,
Before his life is done,
To write three lines of APL,
And make the damn things run.
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started 2007-04-28 08:09:58 UTC