INND hash
(too old to reply)
James Vahn
2005-01-22 21:17:46 UTC
Figgered it out! "sm" is the tool to use.
/usr/lib/news/bin/sm @050000000001000000110000000000000000@

James Vahn
2005-01-23 04:04:18 UTC
Post by James Vahn
Figgered it out! "sm" is the tool to use.
Huh? I've been pretty much out of it all day today, trying to get rid of a
bad cold, but was this how to import a working INN spool into a new copy
of INN or something entirely different?
An old topic that came to light this morning. All too often the error
messages and the news/outgoing/ refer to the hash rather than the file name.
It's been bugging me. As to yours, newsx on the Debian box will populate a
new server if you make a newsfeeds entry for news.kharma.net and then as the
news user:

$ /usr/lib/news/bin/newsx -d --max-path 999 --inn --rnews news.kharma.net

