Dave Laird
2004-11-27 13:05:30 UTC
Good morning, Netizens...
Once again into the breach we have gone, and now we've returned with our
mortal souls intact. Well, almost. ;-)
Thanks to Jack in the Cave giving me a truly *awesome* computer case, and
the investment in the first really serious hardware upgrade in my entire
adult life, I actually have a workstation at my desk that not only *GLOWS*
with blue neon lights, runs really COOL with six damned fans, and has a 2+
gig processor, a new hard disk and enough memory to choke a horse.
However, with all these improvements, there is, unfortunately, a down
side: I have been adjusting, fixing, upgrading and in general raising hell
with my software for the better part of two days.
FINALLY! Everything appears to be done. Nothing is broken, although the
sound of the fans adds a unique bit of character to my otherwise
dysfunctional office. It sounds as if I have an AS400 in here, chunking
out the really BIG stuff. I have to learn to be careful when sitting down
at my desk that the fans don't suck my infamous red bathrobe into the
intakes. That simply WOULD NOT DO, being stark-assed naked in front of the
entire electronic world. ;-)
Please to note, those who receive e-mail from me and use GPG Privacy will
find that I have updated my public key, as well. Please update your key
rings. Given the amount of spoofs and general mischief taking place all
across the Internet, I simply cannot see why more aware people aren't
using GPG.
Of course, go read the news in the papers about the Windows XP upgrade in
England that essentially brought the entire country's IT department down.
I am *serious*. Go read the London Times or any British newspaper and
verify for yourself what only a few sage heads in America are talking
about. That should keep you busy enough that you won't notice me still
furiously tweaking things, making my workstation even better than ever,
all without Mr. Gates' nefarious crap on my hard disks. :-|
Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://news.kharma.net
Fortune Random Thought For the Minute
Office Automation:
The use of computers to improve efficiency in the office
by removing anyone you would want to talk with over coffee.
Once again into the breach we have gone, and now we've returned with our
mortal souls intact. Well, almost. ;-)
Thanks to Jack in the Cave giving me a truly *awesome* computer case, and
the investment in the first really serious hardware upgrade in my entire
adult life, I actually have a workstation at my desk that not only *GLOWS*
with blue neon lights, runs really COOL with six damned fans, and has a 2+
gig processor, a new hard disk and enough memory to choke a horse.
However, with all these improvements, there is, unfortunately, a down
side: I have been adjusting, fixing, upgrading and in general raising hell
with my software for the better part of two days.
FINALLY! Everything appears to be done. Nothing is broken, although the
sound of the fans adds a unique bit of character to my otherwise
dysfunctional office. It sounds as if I have an AS400 in here, chunking
out the really BIG stuff. I have to learn to be careful when sitting down
at my desk that the fans don't suck my infamous red bathrobe into the
intakes. That simply WOULD NOT DO, being stark-assed naked in front of the
entire electronic world. ;-)
Please to note, those who receive e-mail from me and use GPG Privacy will
find that I have updated my public key, as well. Please update your key
rings. Given the amount of spoofs and general mischief taking place all
across the Internet, I simply cannot see why more aware people aren't
using GPG.
Of course, go read the news in the papers about the Windows XP upgrade in
England that essentially brought the entire country's IT department down.
I am *serious*. Go read the London Times or any British newspaper and
verify for yourself what only a few sage heads in America are talking
about. That should keep you busy enough that you won't notice me still
furiously tweaking things, making my workstation even better than ever,
all without Mr. Gates' nefarious crap on my hard disks. :-|
Dave Laird (***@kharma.net)
The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: http://www.kharma.net updated 11/24/2004
Usenet news server : news://news.kharma.net
Fortune Random Thought For the Minute
Office Automation:
The use of computers to improve efficiency in the office
by removing anyone you would want to talk with over coffee.